Historical background
The Center is the successor to the former Institute of Technology and Reliability of Machine Structures (ITRMS) of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, which became a joined Institute of Physical Engineering (UPE) of the University of West Bohemia (UWB) and the Academy in 1993. The participation of both partners in the association was not equal. While the personnel of the Institute was employed by the University, the property used by the Institute was own by the Academy. Four years later, UPE was split into two parts, one of them is the Center of diagnostics of materials (CDM). It has been re-established, and the reserchers were re-employed by the Academy (CAS). It became a part of the Institute of Thermomechanics (IT CAS) on the 1st April, 1997. However, it remained a member of the above mentioned association UWB-CAS.
Status of Centre of Material Diagnostics
- CDM is focused on the research of dynamic damage of materials, and on development diagnostic methods of fatigue failures. These activities are supported by local centre of scientific information, what is a workplace of the professional library of IT CAS.
- CDM covers persons being employed by the IT CAS, and their activities are done in joined workplace. Seen from work-legal relationships, CDM is incorporated into organisational structure of IT CAS as a research department.
- Head of CDM is responsible for all duties of head of research department of the Institute; these duties are specified in organisational code of the Institute. Furthermore, head of CDM is responsible for duties concerning the fact CDM is dislocated workplace. He is allowed to make decisions corncerning CDM, but not in relation toexternal partners. Head of CDM directly subordinates to the head of IT CAS in the area of work-legal relationships.
- CDM employees directly and exclusevely subordinate to the head of CDM.